Ok, so I have been trying to think about the "Rules" for this trial seperation, and how we are going to handle it. I have spoken with S about this as well, and as usual she listened, didn't talk, so I don't know how much she took in, or agreed with.
So, here are the rules as they stand at the moment.
1) This will last a minimum of 2 months.
2) After I have moved out on the 1st September, I am to leave S alone for a week to allow her some time and space to think. During this time I am not to contact her to ask any questions around the status of the relationship.
3) We are to commit to seeing each other at least once per week. Days to be decided at the time
4) If a Random hook up does occur at any point, then we are not to let the other person know.
5) Privacy will be respected by both parties
6) Sex(with each other) is still permitted, although not expected at every meeting, or to be used as a weapon
7) If she does decide that she want's to start Seeing G during this time, then the separation is over, and we will become single.
8) After the initial 2 month period, a discussion will take place to decide whether or not we want to continue with the separation, and the relationship is salvagable. If it is decided at that point to continue All previous rules stand.
9) If we decide after the initial 2 months to continue working on the relationship, then we will have a further 4 months from that point to decide whether or not to become a fully fledged couple.
10) Both parties are to go out with friends during this time.
11) One person is not to continue with the seperation, if the only reason they are doing so is to make the other person feel better.
12) Be available to talk whenever possible, but never blow off any pre-arranged plans to do so.
13) An extension to 12, never be too needy for attention, if someone doesn't want to talk, then you must accept that.
14) Allow yourself to miss the other one.
15) No pressure, do not constantly ask how we feel about the relationship.
I wanted her to add a couple on there, and will be asking her to do this before the 1st September, this will
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